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Farmur Armur

Farmur Armur

$ 9.99






Farmur Armur is an all organic, plant based, mold and pest suppressant suitable for all living environments.  Versatile and utilitarian in its application, Farmur Armur can be used on all of your plants, during nearly any stage of development from hard rooted starts all the way up to harvest (not reccommended for seedlings or unrooted/newly rooted clones) .  Farmur Armur is crafted by hand in the US, where every batch is purposefully blended from the finest organic plant derived compounds in house.  This obsession to detail ensures that every artisan batch is uniform in its composition and effectiveness.  The smell is fresh, pleasant and most importantly devoid of synthetic petrochemicals or pesticides.  The resultant solution is a mutli-facteted concentrate ready to dillute to whatever dosage ratio necessary for your intended outcome.  The spray is easy to use on plants, and is composed of a proven essential oil cocktail combined with known SAR elicitors and a suite of natural compounds shown effective at suppressing a variety of common pathogenic molds and fungi.  The solution can also be used as a drench for media borne nuisances, but be sure to follow the directions carefully as a little goes a long way when dealing with the root zone.  All ingredients used in the formulation are considered GRAS, or Generally Regarded As Safe by the USEPA and can effectively be used on all plants. Additionally, this unique solution has been designed not to influence the natural terpene profile of the target plant This means your harvested product won't smell like cinnamon or sulfur and only as nature intended.

*If ANY adverse effect is observed on ANY surface on which the spray has been used discontinue use immediately as some plants can exhibit sensitivity to concentrated botanical extracts.



Farmur Armur is a unique product due to its utilitarian application and as a result requires explicit dosing instructions to achieve maximum results.  It is important to note that coverage is king when discussing the application of ALL foliar applied compounds.  We recommend an HVLP-type sprayer for application of all foliars as they provide the optimum droplet size combined with the proper velocity and coverage pattern to ensure the best overall coverage.


2-8ml/gal weekly maintenance

once a week @ 100% coverage*

 *****************************************************************************************FOLIAR FOLIAR DOSAGE / EMERGENCY SUPPRESSION:


Application Day 1: 20-25ml @ 125% coverage**

Application Day 3: Scope for pest or pathogen in question.  If no significant change repeat at 20-25ml/gal.  If the population or pathogen appears to have decreased in incidence decrease dosage to 12-15ml/gal @ 125% coverage**.

Application Day 7: Scope for pest or pathogen in question.  Note any changes.  Apply at a maximum of 15ml/gal if pressure is still high.  If the pest or pathogen appear to be responding to the control reduce dosage to 10ml/gal.

Application Day 11: Scope for pest or pathogen in question.  Note any changes.  Apply at a maximum of 12ml/gal if pressure is still high.  If the pest or pathogen appear to be responding to the control reduce dosage to 8ml/gal and continue using the aforementioned maintenance schedule.

Application Day 15: Scope for pest or pathogen in question.  Note any changes.  Apply at a maximum of 10ml/gal if pressure is still high and continue at said rate till control is achieved.  Once control is achieved revert to the aforementioned maintenance schedule. 


4-8ml/gal every 5 days until pathogen is no longer present or sufficiently controlled.  It is recommended for best results, that after 4 total applications or 21 days of treatment a two week rotation period is observed.  Other alternative treatment can be used during this rotation if pest pressure is still high.  This schedule is applicable to nearly all root drench interventions.

*100% Coverage:  Spray till ALL plant surfaces (including stalks, stems and branches) are completely covered.

**125% Coverage: Spray till ALL plant surfaces are covered to the point of runoff onto the media surface.



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